One of my favorite things about Friday is that we didn't have to go to one of Nick's baseball games. Before you think I am terrible, Nick's baseball schedule consumes our lives. He is either at practice or a game 5 days out of the week. So it is also safe to say that Nick was quite happy with the fact that he had a day off.
After school, the boys dispersed to different activities. Nick went to the pool with a friend. Andrew traded Pokemon cards with his buddies down the street, and Luke went to his friend Braxton's house. Justin came home from work early and Liam was napping when I got up from working and so we just hung out and enjoyed the beautiful weather.
We headed to the Bees game later that night and got to Salt Lake a bit earlier than we expected to meet my family. There is a fire station on the corner by the ball park and Liam looked in as we were walking by. We saw all the lockers and one of the engines was parked inside. He told me he wanted to go in. I told him that it is just for the firemen and we continued walking. Just then, the NICEST fireman came out and asked if we wanted to see inside. Um, yeah! We called to the other boys and Justin who had walked on ahead and they came to see what the excitement was. He put them in the firetruck, let the boys try on all the clothes, and answered all of their incessant questions. I didn't get the best pictures to document the event, but the boys loved it.
The Bees game was L.O.N.G. I really don't think I watched any of it. I spent most of my time visiting with my family and eating M&Ms. Luke fell asleep sometime in the 7th inning. I am pretty sure they lost the game but that is okay, there were fireworks after the game to boost everyone's mood.
They were spectacular fireworks. For the past few years during the Fourth or the 24th of July, we have enjoyed the fireworks from afar. I forget how fun it is to hear everyone ooooh and aaaaah and how much more dramatic the effect is when you are right there hearing the fireworks launch and explode, smelling the smoke in the air, and seeing my boys' faces light up at the fireworks that they like. I think we will have to make a point to actually plop a blanket down at the park this year for the Fourth!
Liam just sat in my lap clasping my hand and anytime there was a lull in the action he would tell me to turn them back on. Andrew just laid his head on my shoulder and took it all in.
Oh, how I love being a mom. And it is days like these that make me realize that although I am not perfect, my boys are happy, my boys have wonderful countenances, and my boys have great lives. I am so grateful I have the opportunity to be a mom and that I have been entrusted with these precious lives to mold and nurture. Although my mothering might be more "Ohhhh" (like oh, crash and burn or oh, bless her heart!) rather than "Oooooh", it is those "Oooooh" moments that motivate me and help me through the bad times. And I know that there will be many more good moments to come.
It IS wonderful to be a mom and you are a great one. It's always so much fun to spend time together: the ballpark, Sun. dinners and yesterday at the temple. I won't even attempt to spell the name of the temple. haha Love you and the terrific person you have become and that you are instilling those traits in your boys.
Your mom
It was so fun to run into you guys at the game! The fireworks were awesome...even if I was afraid the burning ash would fall on me and light me on fire.
What a great family outing. Those are what memories are made of!! Your boys are amazing because you are a great mom!!!
You make me want to go to a firework show! They are magical, regardless of how many you have seen. And by the way, does anyone go to the baseball came to watch all the innings of baseball? Perhaps I am too big a fan of Basketball and Football.
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