Monday, June 27, 2011

spring sports

Springtime sports innundate our Saturdays like nobody's business. Every year it is so, so crazy and I try not to wish the time away when we can have time to ourselves. This year I think I only thought about the end of the season a couple times so I feel like I was successful in living in the moment.

Andrew has been playing soccer for a while now and his only wish when we signed him up was that his uniform was not bright orange. Four of the years prior to this one his uniform has been a bright, neon, hunters orange and he wanted a change.

Alas. Luck was not on his side and he got a bright orange jersey again this year. Their team name was "The Barricades" which I thought was super clever.

He had a super fun team comprised of a couple kids from his school and many from our ward so the games were fun to go to not only to see Andrew play but to socialize.

They didn't make a goal until late in the season. One morning of the mom's said that the night before her daughter dreamed that they made a goal. When the mom asked if they won the game, her daughter said that she didn't know or care, she just remembered they made a goal. Her dream came true that day because they made a goal and everyone was so excited.

This was Liam's second year playing soccer and this year he got the game. He was so funny to watch because he was a totally different person on the field. He was aggressive and competitive and worked so hard to get to the ball. He usually would score a couple goals a game...although his first one of the game would more often than not find its way into the opponent's goal.

My brother in law was the coach so his cute cousin Jackson was on his team and also a few kiddos from our ward.

Seriously, enlarge this picture and take a look at his face.

Luke played baseball for Herriman city and despite putting up a stink about not wanting to play at the beginning of the season, I think he actually enjoyed himself. He did pretty well and although our team was not the best, the parents were super su;pportive and the boys had a fun time playing.

Luke received the game ball twice...I don't think it was supposed to happen that way but he felt pretty darn cool about it.

Liam just comes along for the entertainment.

Congrats on a successful sports season boys!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

This has been sitting in my edit box for a while.

We have been quite busy enjoying summer. Baseball games, being barefoot, eating otter pops, the endless amount of end of school activities, soccer games, swimming, showing off our bronzed skin, smelling like coconuts, building forts, trying to soak in every last bit of sunlight while it lasts.

I have so many things to blog about that I was getting a bit overwhelmed. I had such good intentions of blogging everyday and but I was not very motivated as the pictures and thoughts started piling up. But, I realize that even just weeks from now I will be glad I took the time to sit and record what is going on in our lives. begin.

My sister and her cute family were here from D.C. while my brother in law was doing part of his internship here in Utah. They will be back at the end of the summer which will be awesome and we will be able to see them for a bit when we are back east in July. We celebrated Caroline's birthday party, a family party for Luke, and Liam was able to show off his beloved planetarium to his cousins.

Luke decided on a Transformer theme for his birthday party. He wanted a cake with an autobot and a decepticon on it. Thank goodness for my mom who helped me put the decorations on. He wanted me to go to the "place that did my Indiana Jones cake" but I didn't want to spend a ton or drive to Salt Lake just to pick up a cake. I think that it turned out pretty cute.

Then there was the present opening, playing outside, and enjoying each other's company. I didn't get everyone there which I need to be better about. There was quite a bit going on that weekend so my family was there along with Lee and Sylvia.

It was a perfect day to go to the planetarium because of the torrential rains that were happening outside. Once we got inside, Liam put his little arm around Caroline and showed her around.

Ummmm, I think these two are related. Look at their faces...exactly the same and totally unprompted.

Olive's picture pose.

We can't wait to see them again in July!