Friday, August 1, 2008

I am always grateful for friends, but this week I am particularly thankful for three in will know who you are.

1. The friend who confronted me about a potential conflict between us. Luckily, nothing turned out to be wrong, it was just a rumor started by a misunderstanding. I am grateful that we are close enough that she would come directly to me to talk about things and not let stupid rumors get between us.
2. I am grateful for another friend that also laughed this off and as the Beatles song goes-"I wanna hold your hand."
3. I am very grateful for the friend who didn't make me feel bad about calling in sick when there was not another charge nurse on so I could stay home and be a mom to Liam. You will never know the guilt that tears at me when I call in to work and I am so happy that you were able to help me put things in perspective. Friend 2 also said to me "At the end of the day, it is just work." Family definately comes first and I thank you for being so understanding and kind.

1 comment:

maxfamclan said...

I am so sorry you had to stay home with a sick child!!! We all know that you would never call in sick if it wasn't necessary. You are a hard, valiant and devoted worker...and as a mother I know you are those and more. Hope everyone is feeling better!