One of the first things that happened was a trip to the police station with Liam. He had quite a problem with taking things that looked interesting to him and keeping them in his possesion. Stealing, if you will. We had tried multiple tactics to try to cure him but although it was getting better, we would still find random things that weren't his appearing in his pockets or his room.
One afternoon, Luke was going to a birthday party. We were giving his friend some cash and Luke was filling out the card and left the money on the floor in the living room. When it came time to place the money inside the card, the money was gone. We searched everywhere. Finally, I asked Liam if he had seen it. He checked his pockets and out came the money. He said: "OH, it must have just jumped in there."
Justin was furious. He said: "That's it. I am taking you to jail." What unfolded was probably one of the most heartwrenching things I have had to witness as a mother. Liam knew he had done something wrong. He didn't try to make excuses or try to get out of the predicament he was in. He immediately started crying, came over to give me a hug, and said goodbye to me. In my mind I knew I couldn't give in. In my mind I was trying to unravel what Justin had in mind since he really wasn't taking him to prison so how was this lesson going to be executed?
Liam was beside himself. He truly had what in my mind constituted a contrite spirit. He started looking for his shoes because he was going to be there "for two years." He kept saying he was going to miss me. But not once did he try to get out of his punishment. He was going to stick it out.
Off they went. I waited patiently for their return. When they got home, Liam was obviously relieved. He had gone to the police station and had a nice chat with an officer. He told Liam that he better never steal again because he would have to be taken away from his family and the police officer didn't want to have that happen. Liam promised that he would never steal again, and you know what? It worked. Let's just say I hope that is the only time we ever have to have an officer talk one on one with one of our boys. It was stressful.
We went swimming. A lot.
Nick started playing summer baseball with Skyline's 16U team.
We had lunch in Heber with Justin.
Nick is totally bugged that I was attempting a second picture since the first one didn't work out very well. A third try was not persued.
Labor and Delivery celebrated with our outgoing residents at the annual chief bbq. Good luck to all of you!
The zoo had a cool lego exhibit and Luke was in seventh heaven. The displays were amazing.
I loved all the interactive stations there that day--I wish they had these type of opportunities more often. Maybe I just don't go on the right days.
Luke had his first overnight Scout camp at Camp Tracy. He loved it. Sorry the picture is sideways, I can't fix it.
We went to our ward bbq. It was awesome. Liam totally talked the bishop into going down the huge inflatable slide with him.
Liam started piano lessons.
I took Luke and Liam to Liberty Park to ride the rides. It was after a long day of getting Liam's baptism pictures done but I think I mentioned something about going while we were driving up to Morgan and it was the last thing I wanted to do. I am so happy I seized the opportunity because it was delightful.
And a sneak peek of their photoshoot.
My dad took boys-sans Nicholas- to Craters of the Moon National Park in Idaho. They had fun. It is also on the 15 to see before you are 15! Way to go dad!
Nick had football practice every morning. And we gained a new son--one of Nick's friends came over every practice. We took him everywhere we went and my food bill went up considerably. Just a premonition of things to come.
An impromptu sleepover in Liam's bed. Andrew wanted Luke to sleep with him because he was scaerd. Luke didn't want to sleep with Andrew because he steals the blankets. Luke wanted to sleep with Liam and Liam wanted to sleep alone. It was too complicated for me to figure out so I left them to deal with it on their own. They all fell asleep and no one ended up coming into our room! It was a miracle.
We saw Monster's University. Two thumbs up.
Celebrated Father's Day.
Luke and Nick spent a Saturday at Lagoon with friends.
I don't remember the situation and why I was alone with these two goofballs but we went to lunch. I really like this picture of them.
Lots of s'mores were made.
And last but not least, one of my favorite quotes of the summer.
Luke to Andrew:
"Did you fart or do you have bad breath?"
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