Sunday, February 24, 2008

bad, bad grrage

So, this is mostly for my memories, so I hope it is not too boring for everyone to read. Anyway...

Liam LOVES the garage. He has since he was about a year and a half old, and "garage" was even one of his first words. This was strange since he only said 7 words at about that time that the garage would facinate him so much to actually say the word. We would walk up and down streets and he would point out the garages on every house. Last week, Justin and Liam were coming into the house from the garage at night and the light was off in the garage. Justin entered the house and unfortunately, the door shut behind him and Liam was left alone in the dark garage for about 5 seconds (the time it took Justin to turn around and open the door back up.) I was at work at this time and later Justin called me to say goodnight. I usually talk to the boys from oldest to youngest and when it was Liam's turn I heard Justin tell Liam to tell me about the garage. Well, that put Liam over the edge and all he did was cry. After a couple minutes, Justin got back on the phone and I asked him what was going on and he relayed the story to me about what had happened. He also said when they got inside the house after the tragedy that he told Liam to tell the garage: "Bad, bad garage." So now when people mention the garage, ours or anyone else's, he will say in his cute voice and his pouty lips "bad, bad, grrage."


Mistie said...

oh, i love him. how cute!! It is funny what things they take a liking too. It makes it so fun b/c everyone is so different. i was reading back through my journal i have for ashton when he was Liam's age...and i love the age Liam is at. So much fun!! They say and do the cutest things. Can't wait to see him and all your kids!

The Pond's Lily Pad said...

Poor Liam! He can come over and spank our garage anytime. It deserves it, after all, for keeping itself such a big mess.

maxfamclan said...

That is a cute story, and I love that shows how simple kids are. Good vs Bad...bad is always scary. Great post.