Sunday, February 10, 2008

I have been tagged!

So I didn't even know this kind of tagging thing existed. My friend Matti (who helps me out a ton with my blog) is quite the blog expert... anyway, she tagged me and I hope my answers are exciting enough for everyone, I lead a very average, boring life...

First, a few questions about me and my husband:

How long have you been together?Well, we have been married for almost 11 years this March. We met in the summer of 1996 and went to a Sting concert in Augustish of that year and were engaged 6 weeks (I know, I know) later. We were engaged for 6 months before getting married.

Who said "I Love You" first? Justin did. I attacked him first at the Sting concert though.

Who is smarter?Odd question. Really, it depends of what area of knowledge we're referring to. I highly doubt Justin could safely deliver a baby. AND, I highly doubt I'd be able to market anything. So, I guess we're even.

Who Pays the Bills?Me.

Who Cooks Dinner? I do the majority of the cooking which I actually love to do now. I have to have a recipe though while Justin is a master at just throwing things together and making it taste good.

Who drives when you're in the car together?Justin.

Who is the most stubborn?Even tie. Enough said.

Who wears the pants in your family?I actually don't know. I feel like it is pretty even--we both discipline the kids and try to work out most issues that come up together.

Okay, now three random things about me:
1. I love to go different places but I HATE the traveling. It puts me in high anxiety mode. I always think that we are going to get in a car accident or our plane is going to crash, it is quite unhealthy I am sure. I have been like this as long as I can remember...going on family trips were stressful for me and I still remember being so relieved to come home and see our house had not burned down.

2. I hate scary movies. I have a very vivid imagination and it runs away with me, especially when I am alone and it is dark. Even Harry Potter books can put me into a frenzy sometimes. I just read the Twilight series and although they were not scary, if I got off early from work, I would book it to my car hoping a vampire wouldn't jump out from under a car.

3. I hate touching raw meat, so much so that it makes me gag. When I told my mom that, she thought it was wierd and told me that I didn't grow up on a farm. I thought she would have known that 32 years ago!

So, that's it. Done with my "tag". Now I get to tag 6 other people. If you've read this, and you see your name at the bottom....get typing!Andrea, Mistie...I don't know anyone else who has a blog, so if you are reading this and have one, feel free to be tagged!comments

1 comment:

Mistie said...

corinne- i tagged you too. go to my blog to get the details!!!