Monday, February 4, 2008

Counting my blessings!

Today Liam had his six month evaluation for his speech therapy and he is doing awesome. It is hard to believe that six months ago he was only saying 7 he is saying at least 50 spontanously and will repeat almost everything you say, which is a HUGE improvement--but I am glad I said "DARN it!" today when I spilled a box of pencils on the floor and not the alternative!! Oh, and when he tells me my lasagna looks "gross"...that isn't too fun either! :) Even though he is just in therapy for his speech, the test included fine motor skills, gross motor skills, etc. because most of the kids in speech therapy have developmental problems as well. Liam's motor skills are actually above average for his age and he passed all those tests with flying colors. I was, however, reminded as he was performing these various acts of skill that just two weeks after he was born, his neurologist stated after seeing an abnormal MRI that he would be surprised if Liam ever sat up on his own, let alone ever lift up his head. I just looked at my perfect, crazy, beautiful, wonderful 2 year old boy putting puzzles together, stringing beads on a piece of yarn, stacking blocks, running, jumping like a mad man, just being normal... and was overwhelmed with the feeling of gratitude. I feel very blessed with my darling little family.

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