Monday, March 2, 2009

March preparedness

Food:Again, the boy that is doing his Eagle Project is collecting orders for Mountain House dehydrated meals. I don't really know what they have since I am in the nursery and didn't see the list yesterday, but maybe they have a website? If ordering isn't something you want to do, choose easy to heat, lightweight foods and snacks. In a kit we made a couple years ago, we have trail mix, top ramen, beef jerky, instant oatmeal packets, hot chocolate packets, granola bars, fruit snacks, juice boxes, small packets of all fits in a gallon ziplock bag.

Cooking supplies:Pot, utensils. I am assuming it is a mess kit of some sort.

CASHI have had a couple people ask me: "How much cash?" They did not set a limit because what is enough for one family, it may not be for another. It was suggested to just put a bit away each month, whatever you think might be sufficient for your family. We are doing $50 a month because we have so many hungry boys and we hope to increase it slightly as the year progresses.

Free:Learn how to start and run a generator.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In our ward this month we are putting together little 72 hour bags if anyone wanted to sign up to do them. They cost $7.50 a piece. Let Corinne know and I could sign you up to do them. It's, I think, this Sat. Mar. 7th.