1. Happy birthday Nicholas! I am really freaking out that I now have a child in the double digit category-but I am glad that you are such an outstanding boy. Here are 10 of the millions of reasons we love you!
-you are wise beyond your years. You have such a good head on your shoulders and many times have given me advice or put me in my place. For example, just last week Liam was jumping off the couch (over Luke) and Luke put his feet up just in time for them to collide and Liam bumped his knee after he fell. I told Luke not to put his feet up anymore and you retorted with: "Maybe Liam shouldn't be jumping off the couch." Touche.
-you are inclusive. You are friends with everyone. And I mean
everyone. You don't want people's feelings to be hurt. At parent teacher conference this year I was most impressed when the teacher told me you had befriended a boy that didn't have many friends and included him at recess.
-you are a leader. You make good decisions and listen to other's ideas. You were just nominated to be a Bully Buster at your school because of your influence on others. Keep it up and just remember to choose the right!
-you are a snuggler. I love that my big ten year old still wants to snuggle with his old mom.
-you are responsible. I loved how when you were off track you could watch Liam for a couple hours so I could get some sleep after work. You make sure your homework is done and turned in on time, you practice your violin regularly, and you make sure we are on time for things.
-you like to cook. I love having a helper in the kitchen and I am hoping that you will cultivate this skill and be a help to your wife one day!
-you are goofy. You love to make faces and talk in silly voices. Without fail, you and your brothers will do something daily to make us laugh.
-you are kind. You will give away some of what you have to others who don't have any usually without prompting. Whenever I am sitting by you, you are scratching my back or rubbing my feet just because you know that it makes me happy. You try to get others to smile when they are having a bad day.
-you are respectful. You will willingly get up and offer your chair to Gigi when she is coming to sit down. You will help her walk and talk to her in a respectful way. Gigi remembers when we lived with her and she would watch you when I went to school and hold you all day long. I know she treasures that memory and I am glad that you two have such a special bond.
-you are athletic. It has been so fun to see you try out different sports: soccer, swimming, flag football, and baseball. It has been especially fun to watch you get better at baseball throughout the years and cheer you on. I know that dad is VERY excited for the day that you put on a football uniform and we know that you will do well in that, too!
We hope you have a great birthday--we love you so much!
2. Costco birthday cakes
3. today's relief society lesson. It included letters that the Prophet Joseph Smith wrote to Emma while he was away and they were a great example of the adoration we should be showing our loved ones.