I know it is dirty and full of crazies but I look forward to going every year.
I especially love going on the first Monday of the fair because it is all you can eat ice cream day. It truly is heaven for me and this year I think I even heard a choir of angels sing while I was partaking of the strawberry cheesecake ice cream from USU. Divine I tell you.
I took the younger 3 since Justin needed to take Nick to football practice. We arrived a bit earlier than we had in the past so we were able to look at some exhibits and take advantage of the array of the frequently reconstituted rides they have there. I think it is amazing that more people don't die on those things.
The first thing we saw was this adorable calf that was born earlier that day.
Then off to see more livestock.
I think that this looks so very uncomfortable. I am sure glad for this poor animal that she was next in line for the milking machine. All I could wonder as I stared at her udder is if it was as uncomfortable as being engorged.
Before we even got into the car to go to the fair I discussed with the boys that they could choose 2 rides to go on and we could go on the ferris wheel as a family and we were NOT going to play any games or buy any toys. The boys agreed with the plan and I was so pleased with myself for averting in advance any issues while we were there. I should have known that a huge wrench in the shape of a certain 8 year old boy would foil the plan.
Liam really wanted to go on this octopus ride with my dad. I went on it with Andrew and although it was fun, it was very spinny and twirly and I hate that I am getting too old to go on these type of rides. My dad was a good sport and even though you can't see Liam's face in this picture, I was able to catch multiple glimpses of him smiling from ear to ear.
We walked around for.ev.er. to find a ride that Luke wanted to ride. After about 10 minutes of perusing the rides and on the verge of a meltdown, we finally hit the jackpot. It was a tidal wave like ride that had a mummy face on the boat and apparently this was a ride that Luke had wanted to ride last year but because of sketchy weather I wouldn't let the boys get on any rides. It was worth the wait.
While Luke was trying to decide on his second ride we all headed over the ferris wheel and that sent Luke into a tizzy. He did NOT want to waste his last ride by riding the ferris wheel. He seemed to have forgotten that we discussed that the ferris wheel was a "free" ride but he is so darn bull headed that it took a while to remind him of that fact. Finally everything worked out and while we were in line, Luke decided that he wanted to ride this for his second ride.
And he wanted my dad to ride it with him. Watching my dad's face as the Starship 4000 spun around and around was priceless. He hesitantly said yes but luckily for him, we were split up and went in different shifts for the ferris wheel and Luke talked my brother Matt into going instead.
We went to find the quilt that my mom entered. She made this quilt for my brother and his cute wife Kate. Isn't it cute?
I also found my friend's FIRST PLACE award winning toffee. I didn't even think to snap a picture but I was drooling as I stared at it.
Then finally it was off to eat ice cream. Yum.
It was pretty late when we were finished gorging ourselves and on the way out Luke had yet another meltdown because I wouldn't buy him a toy. Apparently it doesn't matter that we already went over the fact that we are NOT buying toys at the fair multiple times and having a tantrum in the middle of the fairgrounds still doesn't convince me that you need one. Dejected and pouting, he stomped off to the car and fell asleep about 0.2 seconds after we were on the road.
I am already dreaming of next year.