He went to school that morning and shared cupcakes with his class. After lunch Justin and I took him to Red Robin for lunch.
He just wanted a balloon that he could blow up himself instead of having it blown up with helium. "I don't want a balloon with a string," he said.
We then headed over to the store to get stuff for dinner. He wanted psghetti and cake. He chose rainbow chip cake with rainbow chip frosting and birthday cake ice cream with rainbow chips. He decided his scooter needed to be taken out for a spin so he rode all over the place while I walked behind with Maisy. If I got in front of him he would tell me quite forcefully that he needed to be in front.
Liam, you are quite the individual packed into a little boy body. You are inquisitive and absolutely love technology. For your birthday you asked for an ipod, a cell phone, a Nintendo DS, a tv for your room, and a kitty. You even went as far as telling me that I needed to move our t.v. and t.v stand (that you call the R.C. Willey) out of the living room into your room and put a smaller t.v. in the living room. You did not get any of these items but you did get a leapster and a computer that you plug into the main computer to play some awesome games. Luckily these were good enough to make you forget about all the other things you asked for. Maybe next year?
You are my little buddy and will go anywhere with me without complaining. I feel bad that I drag you around so many places and I don't set up playdates for you more. Luckily there are some nice parents out there that want you to come a play at their house. I am glad that you are in preschool to give you the interaction that you need from someone other than your mom because although we play together, I run out of energy much, much faster than another 5 year old boy.
You are worried that I will leave you. Whenever I get out of the car or we are going somewhere and I open the door you get nervous and yell "DON'T LEAVE ME!" I always tell you that I wouldn't and couldn't ever leave you. I don't know where this fear comes from since I have never left you or your brothers but I hope that somewhere in your young life I have not given you a serious complex about this and you can grow out of this phase. I don't like it when you worry!
You are definately becoming your own person. Outfits that I would put you in even just 6 months ago are now given a cry of disapproval. Your favorite thing as of late are sport shorts. You carefully chose the basketball tshirt today and told me you wanted to wear it when you passed out your cupcakes at school. When I said that it was okay, you yelled "YAY!" You used to eat pretty much anything we put in front of you but now you vehemently refuse certain foods, would rather eat cookies for breakfast, and have just a few nibbles of dinner before you proclaim that you are full.
You laugh and sing a good part of the day. You are happy go lucky and emanate happiness. You skip when you walk. You give awesome hugs. You get so excited to see people and just assume that people are just as excited to see you so you run and jump into their arms and glom onto their neck. You are one very loved 5 year old boy.
1 comment:
I love you Liam. You are THE best 5 year old ever!!! I love you zest for life and your "bear hugs". I'm so happy that you are in our family.
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