Saturday, January 24, 2009

Well, at least he's learning something.

Luke told me a very important piece of information he learned at school yesterday. With wide eyes and a very intent face he pronounced:

"Mom, did you know that if you have an uncle in kid juffy (I am assuming this means "juvenile detention") and you go visit him, they give you dum dum pops?"

Wow, and I thought he wouldn't learn anything useful.


The Beckstroms said...

Well, let's just hope he will be getting his dum dum drops elsewhere! He is too funny, I could just eat him.

Anonymous said...

Ditto to Andrea's comment. Can't wait to see the boys tonight. It's been too long.


Whitney said...


I can only imagine the playground converstation that was happening to inspire such a revelation!

Adam B said...

Can I go to kid juffy? Please!!!